Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let's Hear it for the Word "BUT"

BUT is a three letter word, yes I can count, hooray for me. Even though it is such a little itty-bitty word, it sure can pack a punch, much like Mike Tyson. You know when the word BUT is said, any previous statement is going to be fully recanted.

I'm sorry, BUT... that dress that isn't flattering on your body shape (Apologize again bitch for calling me fat!!).

You look really good in that tank, BUT... the color is just off (Yeah well you keep talking and I'm going to knock that smirk right OFF your pug looking face!).

No your zit is barely noticeable, BUT... (I'm not even going to end this one, BUT alone says it all).

You are so much better than him, BUT... isn't he dating your best friend now?! (This is the worst because you don't know whether to be offended or stick up for your friend!)

I think of all the things that BUT follows No Offense is the best. It's like a knee to the groin, jab to the throat and ends in a punishing KO. No Offense is one of my favorite things people say because any statement that starts with it, usually ends in awkward silence (And you should know by now, I LIVE FOR AWKWARD). Those who use No Offense usually feel as though the statement has released them from being labeled a bitch and has readied the other person for the verbal abuse they are about to throw at them with their forked tongue.

You're my BFF and I really like you two together and you know I'm friends with his ex. No offense, BUT... I think him and his ex are going to get back together (Did I just see your under shirt that doesn't have a superman symbol, in fact, it says, "TEAM EX-GIRLFRIEND"?!).

Oh he's really sweet and you can tell he really digs you. No offense, BUT... I think you can do better. (Oh well thank you for your input. Feel free however to shut the f&*K up! You're single and independent?! No offense, BUT... isn't your uterus getting a bit dusty?!)

Please don't be offended, BUT... I think you need to go up a size. (Oh well since you said please I won't go back into the dressing room, cry and promise myself to never eat again.)

Just remember when saying nice things the word BUT is going to make you seem like an ASS.

Good Day!!!


  1. isn't your uterus a bit dusty? hahahaha girl i feel you. we need drinks asap.

  2. Yes we do!!! Hit me up and let's go!
